It has been several weeks since I have sent an update. Time has passed quickly. I thought it had only been a few weeks, but when I checked the blog I realized it was much longer than I had thought.
There is not much new news to share: Rex is still working pretty much a full time schedule, feeling mostly normal. We are still continuing to research alternative treatments and praying for God's wisdom in everything, in every contact and treatment. Traditional treatment consists of chemo, radiation and surgery. There is not much else offered with this protocol. Conventional oncologist doctors may approach their patients with varying degrees of optimism and different dosages and types of chemo; overall, though, we have found them to be pretty consistent in treatment protocols.
Alternative treatment is a whole different ballgame. There are many out there that have experienced cancer healing from various protocols and regimens. One thing might work well on one but not on another. I personally think that it's tied to the cause of the cancer. For some cancer may have developed from some type of consistent toxic exposure, either deliberate or involuntary, others might have developed cancer as a result of a poor diet for a length of time, still some cancer might be tied into a person's DNA. It could be a number of things or a combination of things. Rex and I don't believe that there is a magic bullet for all cancer, while there are similarities and consistencies for treating cancer.
Two things that we have consistently seen over and over in both the traditional and alternative world of cancer is that cancer can't survive in an alkiline environment or in an oxygen-rich environment. It appears that alkilizing the body is the easier task of the two. Foods that alkilize the body are vegetables and fruits, especially raw fruits and vegetables. Foods that acidify the body are meats, dairy, grains, and sugars, (aka the typical American diet). When you consistently eat foods that acidify the body, then the body has to compensate and when it can't compensate or rid the body of excess acid, it usually results in some type of illness in the body. You can easily research this if you will search for sites that talk about "body ph."
I have been impressed, if I may use that word, with Rex' research and aggressiveness on cancer. He has talked to people in California, Georgia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Mexico, and South Carolina, to name a few, checking out different tips or contacts that have crossed our paths. For instance, Rex was recently given the name of a contact of a man in SC who has a PhD in orthomolecular science who had battled cancer years ago and will give his insight into his knowledge of the science of cancer to those who ask. This contact was given to Rex from someone (person 1) who knows someone(person 2) who has cancer and was given the contact by someone else(person 3) who had followed this guy's regimen on cancer and was cured. Rex took that information and called this guy the next day; he also traced it back and talked to person 2 and person 3 to get their insight on this guy and his recommended regimen or protocol. He talks to the person recommending the protocol and he gets names and numbers and talks to people who have survived cancer against overwhelming odds using that protocol. Rex has done that over and over and over throughout these last several months. He, in essence, is leaving no stone unturned.
I have watched him totally change his diet and adhere to overwhelming supplementation routines. Since January, he has regularly consumed essiac tea (an herbal tea that I now make for him), carrot/apple/cucumber/celery juices (I juice these daily), and green drinks. He has taken digestive enzymes, protelytic enzymes, adrenal support supplements, chemical detox formulas, parasite cleanses, probiotics, immune system builders, liver detox formulas, vitamin C IV's, beta-glucans, fruit/vegetable food products, as well as, a solution that is available outside of the US, and the list goes on and on. I sat down the other night and made a spreadsheet of every supplement that has been recommended for Rex to take and it added up to 121 pills a day, 12 different droppers of liquid substances a day, 3 powdered products a day and of course, he has to eat sometime around all of this too. God knows exactly what supplements Rex needs to take, if any; He knows if they need to be taken consecutively or simultaneously. We need and want God's protocol for Rex' treatment. Keep in mind that we believe that all of these supplements are good things; however, it is unrealistic to do everything. It is overwhelming to say the least.
He has consulted with two conventional oncologists, two gastroenterologists, 2 naturopathic doctors, two homeopathic persons, 3 medical doctors who treat cancer alternatively, as well as, a host of books on treating cancer.
It may appear as a sort of desperation on our part. We are earnestly asking God for healing; we are asking Him to open doors and shut doors that come our way according to His will. Quite honestly, if there is a treatment out there that will reverse the cancer in his body, we want to know that we have done our job and not been lackadaisical in the matter. Obviously, cancer developed in his body for a reason and while we are not scientists, there are people who overcome the illness against all odds and those that succumb with statistics on their side. As we wage this war and look at all options, our efforts are really rooted in two Proverbs:
Proverbs 11:14 Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
Proverbs 24:6 For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.
We have and still earnestly pray for God's wisdom and discernment in what it is He would have us do to heal this cancer. We believe that there are physical and spiritual ramifications involved with Rex having cancer. We believe that God is calling us to develop a higher standard in our diet; we believe that God is calling us to a deeper relationship with Him; we believe that God is shaping our very future with this illness. It is not just a physical thing.
It is also a very emotional time. Doubt is just a thought away, and defeat knocks at our door regularly. We have to constantly, deliberately choose to gaze at Jesus and glance at our problem. We have to trust in His timing and wait on Him.
Please continue to pray for us as we want God's exact prescription and timing.
Donna Meadows