Monday, May 29, 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

It has been a while since I have sent an update. There is nothing like waiting until the last minute to do this.

The last three weeks have been fairly normal weeks. Rex continues to change his diet to a very strong raw fruits and vegetables diet versus the meat, potatoes, bread, and sugar-filled diet. Also, he has been juicing, drinking green drinks, drinking essiac tea, taking several supplements, and has started eating a cottage cheese/flax oil mixture daily (you can research this under the "Budwig diet" - a very interesting study); he has also started taking a parasite cleanse.
With the introduction of the cottage cheese/flax oil combination, he has experienced a tremendous increase in stamina and strength. So much so, that he craves this just because of how good it makes him feel.

I also, have been drinking essiac tea, eating cottage cheese/flax oil, taking cod liver oil daily, and doing the parasite cleanse, as well as, eating a much greater percentage of raw fruits and vegetables. It has definitely made a difference in how I feel.

Today (May 29th), we are leaving to spend a week in Tulsa, OK at the Cancer Treatment Center of America. We will be there until Friday, June 2nd. A few weeks ago, Rex felt led to call them and talk to their cancer specialists. We had been researching Sloan-Kettering and MD Anderson during this time, and Rex really was drawn to the Cancer Treatment Center. While Sloan-Kettering and MD Anderson have integrative treatment for cancer, it seems to be a bystander. Cancer Treatment Center has a much stronger integrative/nutritional therapy program for their cancer patients. They place a great deal of emphasis on organic and natural foods even in their cafeteria foods. They offer their patients a whole approach to treating cancer - i.e. treating the physical, emotional, spiritural, and mental health. We were impressed with them through the several conversations that Rex had with them. Also, we have gleaned a lot of information from the book, Cancer with Nutrition which was written by a man that was the Director of Nutrition for Cancer Treatment Center for many years. One thing led to another and arrangements were made to go.

What do we expect when we get out there? We really don't know. We could go out there and learn a lot, and God could lead us to pursue further treatment with them. We could go out there and come back with nothing more than we went there with. One thing is for sure, we will not ever have to wonder "what if we had at least checked it out" because we did check it out. We could go out there simply for a divine appointment. We could go and find out that they can't find any cancer in Rex if God chooses to bless us that way. Any number of things could be why God has directed us to Tulsa.

I ask that you pray that we will not miss any opportunities that await us there. I ask you to pray that will be obedient in whatever God tells us. I ask you to pray that it would be God's will that we learn that Rex has no more cancer in his body. I ask you to pray that we grow closer to Jesus this week, that we see God in a way we have never known before. I ask you to pray for our safety coming and going.

I ask you to pray for our kids, Erin, Amber, and Lindsey as they will be staying here while we travel. I ask you to pray for their safety while we are gone. I ask you to pray for my dad and stepmom (Stan and Judy Smith), Mark and Kelly Senter, and Mike and Tonya Fulbright as they care for our little ones while we are gone. I ask you to pray for God to bless each of them as they have so been so gracious and willing to help us with our kids this week.

Each of us have experienced different times in our lives. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-10. Whatever season you are experiencing right now, will you surrender it to God and seek His purpose in your life for that season right now.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-10
1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: 2 A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; 3 A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; 4 A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; 5 A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; 6 A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; 7 A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; 8 A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace. 9 What profit has the worker from that in which he labors? 10 I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied.

God's will be done.

Have a blessed day,

Donna Meadows

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