Lindsey came down with the flu that second weekend of performances and is getting better each day, but she had it rough for a few days. Amber got pink eye the last day; she healed very quickly with eye drops. Erin carried a cough for several days and was a run down, but she is fine now. I have had the sniffling, sneezing, stuffy head, and laryngitis for a few days, but I am feeling much better. Rex is tired, but he is doing ok. I can tell his body is trying to get sick, but he is fighting it extremely well. I think all of his supplements are working to build his immune system. Aside from the cancer, he probably has the healthiest immune system of any of us with all that he does to boost it.
Our family was blessed getting to participate in The Promise; it was satisfying service to our Lord, especially for Rex. Although, he is tired, he was saddened to see it come to an end.
I hope that you are planning to come by this Saturday. We are looking forward to seeing you and having some good fellowship. I hope that you were able to forward our invitation on by email and verbally. This is a weird sort of invitation, I know, since I don't really have a clue how many people that I am inviting, nevertheless, I am planning as best as I can, and we want as many as you who can to come and visit us whether it be brief or whether you can stay and meander with us. I have encountered a little hesitation with this invitation from some people who don't directly get updates from me. Please know that if you have cared for us, prayed for us, kept up with our lives, given to us, and/or loved us, YOU ARE INVITED! I am relying on the forwards of this to carry the invitation for me.
I realize that some are too many miles away, but for those who are nearby, please join us.
God has really been good to us, and we want to celebrate. Celebrate with us.
"Celebrate God's Goodness"
Saturday, December 16th 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm floating Christmas party
Psalm 91: 14-16 14 "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation."
Where have you set your love? Who gets your adoration and praise?
Hope to see you soon,
Donna Meadows