Well...I have to share how God blessed today, especially after sharing my unbelief this morning. I was doubting and not trusting God for our health insurance, and now I am a little ashamed that I not only doubted, but I told numerous people about it by email and blog. I don't feel wrong about being concerned; I do feel ashamed about saying that I trust God with Rex' health, I trust God with our bills, BUT I don't trust God with our health insurance. I don't know why the health insurance was such an issue except, I guess, I was thinking about the fact that Rex works for a national company and that personnel policies must be upheld and making exceptions open the company up for a lawsuit, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I do want to share what God has done.
We had a conference call with a lady from the Human Resources dept. and she explained our options for Rex. They are going to reduce his status to a 35 hour/ week status, which means that he is only expected as a full-time employee to work 35 hours/week. Then, we are going to attempt to have Rex put on what is called intermittent leave, which allows him to work as he is able with benefits intact. Any hour he works under 35 will be accumulated throughout this year. As long as he does not go over 480 hours of that accumulated leave time, he will not have to roll over to Cobra. Also, Rex' supervisor says that once the intermittent leave is in place, that there are employees that want to donate some of their own time with the company to Rex, and this company allows for that. I was blown away! What a blessing. They are actually being incredible; many of you have experienced first hand the lack of concern/loyalty when it comes to big corporate world to families and their needs. This to me is nothing but a God thing. God letting him work under such great supervisors. God putting people in place to take care of this in such a wonderfully compassionate way. Thank you so much for your prayers.
I am so sorry I ever doubted God's provision; I hope that I didn't cause anyone to stumble in their belief of Almighty God, His Sovreignty, and His control of everything in our lives.
Numbers 14:11 Then the Lord said to Moses: "How long will these people reject Me? And how long will they not believe Me, with all the signs which I have performed among them?
God has proven over and over that He loves His people and takes care of them. Sometimes, when I read how the Israelites toggled between contentment and whining and complaining after God brought them out of Egypt in such a mighty way, I want to say what is wrong with you Israelites? Can't you see that God is going to take care of you just by looking at what He has already done? Why do you doubt Him? When will you ever learn? Well...I am really no different. How in the world could I have ever doubted (not believed) when God has shown me so many signs in my life, in our lives that HE IS IN CONTROL. When will I ever learn?
Anyway, please forgive me for spreading unbelief.
God is so good.
Donna Meadows
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