Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday, March 3, 2006

I have to give God glory today. We are feeling much better today than yesterday. My fever is gone, and my energy level went up all day long. Erin is feeling much, much better. Rex has eaten more today than he has eaten in a week, so I know he is feeling a little better. He is still running a fever, though. This stuff will be harder on him than us because of his weakened immune system. Lindsey is still down with a fever, but she has a great attitude and hasn't really let it stop her from playing.

This afternoon, I could tell Lindsey was getting droopy-eyed, so I sat down with her to rock her. I was singing songs to her, and when I started singing, "God is so good" -- she joined me and sang it with me. We sang it several times after that, until she went to sleep. I can't imagine anything better that could be going through her mind as she went to sleep than "God is so good." It was a sweet, precious time.

Many of you have asked us what you can do for us; we have lived our lives these past several weeks day to day, never knowing what each day might bring. So, I have mostly done what needed to be done myself or close friends and family have been available to help me on a moments' notice. I guess what I can say to you all is that if there is something specific that you want to do or if God lays something on your heart to do, then offer it or just do it. If you ask me, I will tell you if it is something that can be done or needed now or if, in some cases, it will be better later. Rex has worked a total of 28 hours in the last six weeks time. And, I have food in my pantry and freezer, and no unpaid bills because of people just simply loving on us the way that they do it best at just the right time. God has met our needs day by day. It is beautiful experiencing the Body of Christ working together. Each one of you have your own gift, and it's great seeing God use you through it. It is certainly making a huge impact on us.

We have received numerous cards in the last couple months from people expressing their love and prayers for us. We have cried over many of them. I would like to make a request in that sense. My two older girls, especially Amber, love to receive something in the mail. If you have a desire to send a card, I would like to ask you to address it to Amber and/or Erin. That doesn't mean that we don't want your cards; it would just make their day if they were to receive some cards too.

Thank you for praying for us.

Donna Meadows

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