A lot has happened since my last update.
We met with our third oncologist in October. We expected her to have Rex' scans and reports from his previous local oncologist, but she didn't. So, she just gave him a physical exam and poked and prodded for about 30 minutes. At that time, she told us that she wasn't convinced that Rex had cancer because she said he should be doing a lot worse if he had what Rex told her he had. Rex was really nervous about this appointment; he was expecting another gloom and doom report. But, it was not that; we left encouraged.
We went back a couple of weeks later and this time the oncologist did have his scans and reports and agreed that the cancer was on the scans as he had told her. She was still perplexed as to why he was doing as well as he was. Not knowing what else to do, she ordered more scans. It had been 5 months since the last scans (late May).
No matter how much you try not to worry about medical tests, it is so stressful on the body and emotions. Rex' body and emotions were in somewhat of a tailspin for the next two weeks as he prepared to have the new PET scan, going through the actual PET scan, and getting the results. We went to the PET center a couple of days later and picked up the radiologist's report so that we could see what it said before we met with the oncologist again. It is so hard to go to the doctor to get the results -- sitting on the edge of your seat just waiting and hoping that it is a good report, a positive report. Then, if it is not good news, your mind goes numb. It's almost impossible to think intelligently or clearly much less ask anything of value.
So, we got the results and there was bad news and good news on them, but it showed cancer growth. Basically, his adrenal gland and at least one lymph node have quadrupled in size since March. The radiologist didn't compare it to May's scan because they were done in Tulsa, OK and he didn't have that one to use for comparison. Nevertheless, it has grown. It is discouraging. The good news is that it did not show cancer in any new areas, no evidence of cancer in his liver or lungs. And, there is no cancer showing in his esophagus. Rex was very discouraged and simply felt hopeless about beating this illness. He felt that all of his efforts were fruitless and wasteful.
He was lifted out of that gloom when several people at church just prayed for us one evening at the end of "The Promise" practice. He has continued to do the things that he can to boost his immune system; he has continued to read about cancer and research it. He continues to trust God even though it's hard sometimes.
We meet with the oncologist on Monday, Nov. 20th to hear her give us the results and her recommendations. She had already said in our last appointment with her that she didn't see any sense in doing more chemo because it would probably not benefit him any and would just make him sick and destroy his immune system. But, then, he wasn't having any pain; he was working full time; the cancer just didn't seem to be affecting him negatively.
We have seen deterioration in Rex' health this past week. He has been waking up at night or in the early morning hours with a significant amount of pain in his side where the adrenal gland is. It has even affected his ability to take deep breaths because it is too painful. It has interrupted his sleep and not allowed him to rest at night. He has still been going to work, but he is exhausted when he gets home. There was one night recently that he had pain all night and got very little sleep/rest. Since getting the radiologist report, Rex has taken some time off of work here and there to get Vitamin C IV's (these always help him to feel better) and to give his body rest.
With this new development of pain, the oncologist may want to do some chemo. I remember that when my mom had cancer, she took chemo somewhat just to have some pain relief. When she was on chemo, she was sick/nauseous and couldn't eat much and slept alot, but she had pain relief. When she was off chemo, she could eat and wasn't nauseous, but she had incredible non-stop pain.
Please pray for us as we go to this next oncologist appointment. We are praying for God's divine wisdom in this appointment. We are asking God to give this doctor the exact regimen needed for Rex' body even if it makes no sense to her why she should do it. Pray that we will ask the questions that need to be asked.
Please pray for Rex that he could have relief from his pain so that he can get the rest his body needs at night. He is planning to take time off of work throughout the rest of this year to allow his body to rest so that it can repair and fight.
Please pray for us as our family is participating this year in "The Promise", a musical portrayal of the life of Jesus Christ; this is the 10th anniversary of our church doing this. We are sure that there is some evil spiritual attack going on as we try to serve God in this way.
Psalm 13 1 How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? 2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? 3 Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; 4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall. 5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.
This Psalm really captures what we have been thinking and feeling this past month. While we may feel forgotten in our trials, God loves us with a love that NEVER fails. He is good all the time.
If you have ever looked at a completed piece of needlepoint on the front and the back, you know that there are distinct differences on the sides. The front side is a beautiful site and shows detail that can cause one to look at it in amazement. The back side does not tell the same story. It shows the knots and the movements that had to be made to make the front side a beautiful piece. It is often quite ugly looking. I believe that these knots and movements represent the trials and growth that we go through in daily life. We spend most of our life looking at the back of that needlepoint piece, while God is looking at the front. He is weaving and stitching every part to be the beautiful piece knowing all along exactly what the piece will look like in the end. We can't always see the front but I do believe that He gives us glimpses of it.
Phillippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
God has begun a good work and will perform it until the day we come face to face with Jesus Christ. Praise Him for His unfailing love and His constant goodness.
Have a great day!
Donna Meadows