Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday, March 6, 2006

Just a quick note...

Rex is not going to have his PET scan done on Tuesday, March 7th. It has been pushed up to Tuesday, March 14th. The March 7th scan was scheduled before this last week of chemo. The dr. wants a full two weeks to pass between the chemo/radiation and the scan. Since the chemo was not done Feb13-17th as originally planned and instead was done Feb 20-24th, the scan has been pushed up a week. I know a lot of people were going to be praying tomorrow, so I wanted to let everyone know that we have another week until the scan.


Donna Meadows


Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Miranda Mitchell and I went to RT school with Rex. I just wanted to let Rex and his family know that we are praying for a full recovery for Rex and his family. I know that he has alot going on now and if I can do anything for him, he can call me anytime. We will continue to keep your family in prayer.

Miranda Mitchell

Anonymous said...

We love you all and are praying for you.
Rick and Angie