Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

It is with great sadness for us and rejoicing for Rex that I tell you that Rex passed away at 12:30pm today (Friday, August 10th); he was an incredibly strong person.

It became apparent to me that he was dehydrated on Thursday afternoon as he stumbled on a trip to the bathroom and said that he was dizzy. I called our family dr. to see if he could authorize fluids. He called the hospital to give them a heads up so that we wouldn't have to do the typical ER wait. We thought he would be able to get fluids and then come back home. We were admitted around 4pm. Once there, we learned that he was very very ill. It is unbelievable that he was even coherent at all; his blood pressure was so low that he was in shock (upon admission the top number was only 40); his ammonia levels were extremely high (200); his sodium levels were very low (115); his bilirubin was very very high (38) -- it is really a miracle that he was not in a coma state with any of these levels by themselves. Then, with them all being this extreme, it is even more of a miracle that he was alive.

He was aware of his surroundings right up until the last few hours. He was not able to always communicate clearly to us, but overall, he was able to respond to us intermittently throughout the night and early morning hours.

I am numb for the most part right now. I know that this update will find many of you in shock because of how quickly his downhill spiral was. I will update the funeral arrangements once they are finalized. I just wanted to go ahead and let you know that Rex is with King Jesus now.

I do not take your care, concern, and prayers for us lightly. I feel very blessed to have been cared for so much this past year and a half.

While I can't trace God's hand in this, I do trust His heart.

Donna Meadows


Anonymous said...

We're praying that you will get your strength FROM GOD. He's the Only One who can provide what you need at this time. Keep your eyes on HIM.
Dale McAlister

Lu said...

I have learned of your family from a member of my online crochet group. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I understand what you are going through. I too am a widow...5 years now. My husband died of a sudden massive coronary in our home. He was 42. My thoughts, heart, and prayers are with you and your family. If you should ever feel the need to talk please feel free to email me at heart is with you and your family.


Worshipper said...

We are praying for you and your girls. You are the strongest person that I know. I don't know if you have found your "5 stones" yet, but your remaining family may just be the 5 smooth stones that will face the giants of the world. Let us know how we can be of help to you other than prayer.

Sheri said...

I can not begin to express how you and your family have touched me.
I have continued to keep you all in my prayers, and will continue to do so.
As trite as it may sound, if there is ever ANYTHING I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. It would be my pleasure and honor to help you in any way.

Sheri Allison

Anonymous said...

I too am a fellow Apria employee. I live in Wisconsin and received the email about your blog. I am very sorry for your loss, He is in Gods hands and will be taking care of You now.
God bless