There has not been much improvement in Rex these past 3-4 weeks. He is certainly doing far better than he was 2 months ago, but he is still very weak overall. He probably has two good days a week, relative to his overall wellness. These are two days where he interacts with us, feels like talking, or even venturing out. What used to be relatively easy things to do around the house will totally wipe him out now.
His hemoglobin has been low the last several weeks, so he has been getting shots to try to build his blood; he has also received a blood transfusion to help with that. His hemoglobin has come up, but he still doesn't have the stamina that we were hoping that it would give him. We don't know for sure what triggers a good day for him versus a bad one. We have been looking at different things like supplements and food, but we don't see a real connection there. We have seen some improvement in how he feels when he has good bowel movements, but even that doesn't always help.
Today has been especially hard on him. He has had extreme nausea and pain throughout the entire day. He attempted to eat one bite of food this morning, but within minutes vomited. His vomit had what appeared to be old blood in it. He hasn't vomited anymore today, but he's had a tough day. He was finally able to keep a little something down this evening.
Rex has about 10 days left of his medical leave before he loses his full time job and his health insurance rolls over to COBRA. He hasn't had a paycheck in 8 weeks now; he does qualify for some disability with his employer; with that, he will receive 60% of his normal pay for a period of six months. His COBRA insurance will take about 40% of his disability pay leaving us with about 36% of his full time pay to live off of. I am concerned and a little fearful about this change. It's hard financially and emotionally. The financial part is obvious. The emotional speaks harder. It definitely shows Rex' illness and failure to improve or get stronger. It taunts death in front of our hearts and minds.
God has provided everything that we have needed throughout this past year and a half. I am very thankful for that. I will admit that we are in a financial crunch right now, any reserves we had are gone. We will have some relief once Rex' employer short term disability gets approved because they will back date his disability pay to the last day that he worked, and that will hopefully help us get caught up with bills that are due and/or past due. There is some hang up with his disability, so please pray for that to get processed and approved.
I haven't said much in a while about how the girls are handling Rex' illness. Last year, they had a really hard time while Rex was doing chemo and in and out of the hospital; once he resumed work you could definitely sense their relief as everything was going well again. Now, he has been out of work for a while, and they are very aware of his illness. They pray for him constantly and write notes to him expressing their love and desire to see him get better. They are cognizant of the seriousness of his illness, and they know that this disease claims so many lives. I have opportunities to share with them how good God is even when it seems that He allows things like this to happen. I stress that God always knows what is best even when it hurts us so much. I try to let them know that God can take tragedy and trauma in our lives to mold us into people that can impact the world and make a difference. Yet, I also allow them to feel the sadness and hurt associated with their dad's illness and want them to know that it is ok to not like his cancer. Overall, I think that they are coping extremely well. I am sure that the prayers that surround our family so consistently have protected the girls in and through this. Rex is a family man through and through. He has never expressed much interest in anything outside of family; his favorite activity is to be with his family, do with his family and go with his family. I sense that the girls are starting to forget this as he is not able to interact and play with them the way that he always has in the past. I want them to be able to retain the good memories of him and remember his devotion and dedication to them.
As always, we are constantly asking for God's wisdom and guidance each day for what to do. I don't really know what else to say; this is just so hard. I want Rex healed so very very much. It hurts so much it feels like my heart is actually breaking sometimes.
I don't really like ending on such a pitiful note; through the sadness, I am able to see good in each day and know that, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Donna Meadows
"I am a true believer of the life and ministry of Bro. William Branham. The reason I received the Holy Ghost and was baptized in the Name of Jesus when I was a Free Methodist minister, and my husband was dying with two cancers of the stomach. Bro. Branham told him that if he would believe, that about 72 hours, that corruption would all pass from him, because he was healed. St. Louis, Missouri, when 14,000 people were there, God spoke to my heart. I have never been the same, and will never be the same. The Holy Spirit has been my guide ever since. (72 hours the corruption passed, as Bro. Branham said.) I attended the healing campaign at Vandalia, Illinois, when the population of the town doubled in 6 days and nights. God moved in such a way, you was made to believe that Jesus Christ was back on earth, and you could almost hear the waters lapping on the Galilee shores, healings, miracles. A visitation of God to this earth 1947 & 1948 and on. I have testified and told this in many churches, and I continue to do so. My son (a little boy then) was healed as Bro. Branham prayed for him over the telephone."
So many things are done through the laying on of handkerchiefs. The Lord has just blessed it in a marvelous way. Testimonies, testimonies of what our Lord has done through just the feeble efforts of laying handkerchiefs on the sick.
God’s Servant Job 55-0223
Plagues, disease germs already bred up to be scattered throughout the nations. No doctor know even how to take a hold of it. O God, we'll have to believe in Divine healing then. When nations are breeding germs together, to burst them in bombs, and millions die in hours over it.
If you believe in healing, and believe that God has healed you, confess it, and God will make your body obey your confession, for He's the High Priest of your confession; setting at the right-hand of the Father now with His own Blood to make intercessions for any confession upon anything that He died for.
And if there is no Divine healing now, there is no resurrection of the body. Divine healing is the earnest of our redeemed body.
Refuse to sign for anything the devil brings. He will have to take it back. Say, "I refuse to have it. I just won't have it, no, sir." He will have to take it back in the Name of the Lord. If you believe it, and confess it, and say, "I've accept Jesus Christ as my Healer," there's no affliction or disease can stay on you. Stay right with it. But the first time that you get weak and say, "Well, yes, I've still got it." Then you drop right down to where you was at. You signed for it, then took it back.
If God come down and healed me positive, right out with a miracle, it wouldn't be as great as it would if I can see the promise of God and take it into my heart, stand there, I can say, "Jesus is now healing me, for I have accepted His Word. It's in my heart. He is now interceding for me before the Father. I shall be well." There's what God loves. Stand there on His Word and say It's right. “He's healing me now, every day."
Every redemptive blessing that Jesus Christ died for and purchased in His atonement at Calvary, it's setting on the table and every believer is sitting before it. Hallelujah. If I need healing, I say, "Father, pass me some healing," and I pour it out on my plate and eat a big... Now, if you want to starve to death, go ahead.
Q. A. ON GENESIS 53-0729
7. Healing is not based upon your works, or your good deeds, or your experience of Christianity, and upon your salvation of your soul; healing... I've seen people come through the line was renowned saints, and go right off the platform sick yet. I've seen ill-famed people walk through and be healed with blinded eyes and everything. See? It's based upon your--your faith, not upon your religion, not upon your experience. It's on faith.
8. I do not say that Divine healing and salvation is on the same basis. When you're saved, you're saved for eternity. But when you're healed, you'll get sick again. Lazarus was raised from the grave, but he died again. Healing is just one of the blessings that goes with salvation. It's the earnest. It's just a down payment and an assurance, that you'll be raised up in the last days.
9. Oh, you stars of the morning. Put your alarm back on. Rise up and wash your face. Get the night out of your eyes, and shine forth the approaching of the Son of God. Long healing lines should been gone long ago. The miracles and performance of God has got so much greater than that in this day, until that's a back thing, because we’ve got a former and latter rain together. It's the hour. Do you believe it?
10. God's got the power to heal you, if you've got the courage to accept it.
11. If you believe God heals, stay in action. If you believe He's going to call you out now, and you're holding on to Him, stay in action. Amen. Stay in action. You’ve got two wings, so use them. Stay in action. Wave them back and forth. "Lord, I believe; Lord, I believe." You can't just holler, "Holy, holy, holy" yet, say, "Lord, I believe." Stay in action.
12. You know what the gift of healing is? Faith in healing. See, you just release your faith to pray for somebody; that's all a gift of healing is. Every minister should have it; everybody (See?) should have gift of healing. The power that heals you is on the inside of you, the Holy Spirit; you just have to let It work Its way out. That's all.
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