Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

I have been meaning to update for the last few weeks, but just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. Rex started a protocol with a cancer research institute based out of Jacksonville, FL; it basically is just a program whereby you nourish the body with foods that cancer doesn't recognize as fuel. It has lots of promise when done completely and accurately as it is actually a program that has been studied in research labs substantially. Basically, it deprives the body of sugar, even natural sugar, and certain amino acids that are known to feed cancer. This program, when done correctly, starves the cancer and causes it to die off. If you have any interest in checking out this program, you can access it by looking at this link:

Rex attempted to start this 3 weeks ago, but has had an extremely difficult time doing all that it entails because he has weakened considerably in the past month. I don't think that he is any more pain than he has been in the past few months, however, it has taken its toll on his body; he is so weary from all that his body is going through. He is not eating much these days - some days once a day, some days none, and on a good day, he might eat twice in the day. He is trying to stick to the foods that don't feed cancer, but with him not eating enough, I don't know if it is really helping him. His pain is still intense day to day, but he actually does have periods where he has no pain.

His biggest effort is attempting to go to work. It literally takes everything out of him just to work one day. He is withdrawing more into himself, communicating less, wanting to sleep more, and not eating much. He still has times where he is the Rex that we know, but more and more he is unaware of what is going on around him and wants to just rest. I don't know how much weight he has lost; I do know that he is going over the threshold of being at his ideal weight to being underweight.

Please continue to pray for God's supernatural healing; pray that I will be the caretaker that Rex and our girls need me to be.

If you want to do something for us, then do what you feel led to do. I don't want the burden of asking for this or that specifically; it is almost like having another responsibility. I would rather people do what they are good at, when they feel led to do so. I hope my frankness here does not offend anyone. I certainly don't mean to sound picky or ungrateful; it is simply the best way to meet our needs and minister to us.

If it is provide a meal, that is fine. Meals that are in disposable containers are best, whether they are home cooked, frozen, take out, or even gift certificates for take out. I am not good at returning dishes; I am afraid that I would not have the frame of mind to remember what belongs to who and/or take the time to return it to the rightful owner.

If you feel led to help with our finances, then that too is fine. God has always provided what we needed even when it didn't seem like it was going to happen.

I don't feel that I need any help with the children at this point because I need them with me; they bring normalcy to me through all of this. There is a certain mothering, nurturing part of me that wants to keep my nest intact by sheltering and protecting my little ones.

If God lays something on your heart, then chances are it may be a need for us that I may not have expressed or even realize.

I truly do appreciate all that you have done for us this past year and a half. You have been a source of comfort, encouragement, and sanity to us through a very difficult storm. Thank you for your love and prayers.

Donna Meadows